Why Me!
so let’s face the ELephant in the room right now
but yeah for those of you wondering what this is all about, i don’t wanna get too deep into it so i’ll just be all Surface for a Second here
Why are we here
not in this universe but i mean this website lololol
me, you, what's all this?
well ok sit down buddy, time for an infodump
(where are all these words comeing from?!)
So the site is, basicaally, a gift from the doc. Kind of an award you could say for all the progress ive been making.
He sez he can sense a tremendous change in me (srsly who uses tremendously LOL), that im finally opening up (do i need a surgeon too now?) and that a healthy expressive outlet would be a good idea.
I was like "So you're gonna stop nagging me about going into the black room?"
Dude just shakes his head
You know I had to try. ANYWAYS
gotta love the bright side! amma post on here, free reign!
i actually get to speak my mind as opposed to writing in diaries or going through boxes of old dusty junk… SIGN ME UP
i love the domain and hey, the host is very cool about it... maybe a little too cool, in fact?
i don;t know, man, but FREE WEBSITES BRO
you get a site you get a site every body gets a sight!
But yes the point of all this is that websites RULE and paper DROOLS
i mean diaries are for living in the past, I WANNA LIVE NAO
Ain nobody got time for the past!
but for real though, i mean listen I have a theory, right? that all of thi