I am officially excited.
There’s a lot of good stuff in these Rise diaries, and it’s just so inspiring. In fact it’s inspired me to get my act together. I’ll be fixing up the site and posting some of this stuff so y’all can see what I’m talking about.
Just gotta get back in touch with the ol’ doc, so he can help me with that
Tense Past
Have you ever felt confused and energized, intrigued and in awe? All at the same time, all in these… bursts?
Yea no me neither LOL
at least not before I opened that first unlabeled box from the black room. I never knew there was so much paper in the universe! But yeah, since i was kind of in a hurry to get this excursion into the graveyard of history over with i just dumped everything on the livingroom floor.
Just some loose papers and some diaries.
Or are they journals? can anybody tell me the difference?
so yeah, also i kind of ran into a tiny glitch…
Ok this is kind of hard to explain so bear with me (roar)
so imagine a round space that is kind of staggered, like, steps all round, but those steps make up the floor of the place. But they’re not steps, not exactly- it’s like… layers of foundation? Jeez, i;ve been in there too long lolol
OH YEAH But here’s what i was saying so like I barely managed to get this box out because for whatever reason even though the room isn’t smelling like dead rat anymore, there’s still something off. I get dizzy if i’m in there for longer than a few minutes at a time, right, so i decided to do it all in one day, with breaks in between.
But what i found out was that after the first venture, no matter how long I rested, I couldn’t go back in. I mean i tried you guys i swear, but i literally passed out.
maybe theres a gas leak or something but i dont think theres gas in that room. what does gas look like?
ANYWAY so as i was basically trying to reset the box one of the diary things caught my interest, and uh…
… sorry lol
but yeah i’m actually diggin it. I mean i have no idea if all this is my own writing obviously, but it does resonate somehow so i wouldn’t be surprised. What’s also weird is that I can’t figure out exactly why these diary journal things in particular were sealed up all nice in this box (i mean before i just flung it all to the ground liek a beast LOL) because i’m pretty sure i saw similar ones lying around near where i got this box. weird?
anyway to get back to the original point of this post (aka the good ol days)!
I was going to go in every day to get one box out per day, but once i started reading i was kind of drawn in, and so i thought hey, this might actually be a change to post something that isn’t A COMPLETE WASTE OF YOU GUYSES TIME LOL
So I spent the week reading and I’m getting a lot out of it. I was gonna tell yall about it right here in the post but I wanna finish reading at least one of these things first before i post. I’m halfway through the first one, so next week i’ll be posting something a little different than usual.
Stay tuned!
And yes, kess, i’m gonna go back in. But you aint comin for a year so hold yer horses LOL
Into The Black: The Things You Do For People
hi guys how was your week? mine was fine i just had a little trip into
ok that’s a bit much lol dramaaaaa
but yea here’s how i spent these past few days…
Day 1: I enter the black room, exit 4 seconds later, vomiting and head spinning. no idea why.
Day 2: I try again and this time i go in using an old shirt to cover my mouth and nose. there is the unmistakable aroma of something that has lost its corporeal existence and should no longer be above ground. i can feel the inside of my head spinning as the outside wants to drop. i can barely see my hand in there. i exit and decide to do this whole thing in parts, KESS
Day 4: ready once more and armed with essential oils and a flashlight, i find what appears to be a dead rat. hooray for me. i remove this poor victim, cursing the darkness that swallowed its spirit. the room is bigger than i first thought. there is so much stuff in here you guys omg lol theres boxes of junk and baskets of- also junk, there’s just a ton of junk in here and it all smells like paper, now that the dead carcass is here no longer its like… like i guess wood? does wood smell like paper? what do i look like, a woodologist? frick. i spend the rest of the minutes trying to clean the spot where the rat died.
Day 5: the beam of my flashlight flickers in broken bursts. taking the first thing i can i feel the room swallowing what little light i can carry with me. I note the different writing style on the boxes i manage to reach and take the closest one at random.
So yeah i managed to get the first one out and im praying those photos are in here KESS
ok ok ok ok ok okokoko kbreathe
ok lemme explain
So yesterday kess was all like “you know your site is nice and all but i wish youd talk more about the good ol days”
and i was like “first off it’s not MY site; B, thanks for the enthusiasm about my writing; and 3 do tell me what it’s like to live in the past, is it nice there? are they all DEAD OR NOT sorry hhh
BUT YEA you know her right, she’s like “man, id really love it if you could go through those old photo albums, maybe post them on here”
and i was like A: thanks for listening and 2: OH I BET YOU WOULD love that
because of course those are in the black room so i was like frick you dude
but then she dropped the bomb…
ok so its just for vacation and also its almost a year away but fricking STILL FREICKEWNLRNWER It has been literal lifetimes since i last saw this nutbar!
But of course this put me between a hard rock and place because now i gotta find those photos right
so I went in and….
… but i might. Something is very off about that room.
guess i’ll be finding out exactly what that something is…
not pointing any fingers lol
Fear Well
ok so imagine you had a friend that felt homesick, and she really wants you to do something for her that you know would make her happy. And you’re like frick yeah i’ll do it for you, but then when you want to actually go and do it, something stops you.
I guess what im askin is… does that make you a bad person? isnt the right thing to do something like… i dunno, being courageous?
im just confused because i dont think the hypothetical person has any reason to be scared and i dunno, maybe im just being a coward?
Again with the Eggs
Ok so i’ve been here for a while now and i had some time to think about it and i think that i’m not actually repulsed by the black room itself.
I mean its weird right, but i think it’s like… i dunno
like when you really love the yolk but you don’t wanna eat the white? or like maybe the other way round, i dunno
But worse, as if the yolk were made out of the innards of a mutilated being of nameless evil
or like mayonaise or something
but yeah i’m on the fence is what im saying, i kinda wanna explore but i feel like its best to leave it maybe you know? I mean I dunno… any ideas?
Why Me!
so let’s face the ELephant in the room right now
but yeah for those of you wondering what this is all about, i don’t wanna get too deep into it so i’ll just be all Surface for a Second here
Why are we here
not in this universe but i mean this website lololol
me, you, what's all this?
well ok sit down buddy, time for an infodump
(where are all these words comeing from?!)
So the site is, basicaally, a gift from the doc. Kind of an award you could say for all the progress ive been making.
He sez he can sense a tremendous change in me (srsly who uses tremendously LOL), that im finally opening up (do i need a surgeon too now?) and that a healthy expressive outlet would be a good idea.
I was like "So you're gonna stop nagging me about going into the black room?"
Dude just shakes his head
You know I had to try. ANYWAYS
gotta love the bright side! amma post on here, free reign!
i actually get to speak my mind as opposed to writing in diaries or going through boxes of old dusty junk… SIGN ME UP
i love the domain and hey, the host is very cool about it... maybe a little too cool, in fact?
i don;t know, man, but FREE WEBSITES BRO
you get a site you get a site every body gets a sight!
But yes the point of all this is that websites RULE and paper DROOLS
i mean diaries are for living in the past, I WANNA LIVE NAO
Ain nobody got time for the past!
but for real though, i mean listen I have a theory, right? that all of thi
Fine Demise, Seal Eggs!
Hello world!
New to this hole blogging thing, eggs-cuse the rough transition! (I was gonna say ruff but i think i hate dogs)
Just wanted to brighten up the world a little more!
So, eh…
Please wait while i figure out how
sHello, World!
<p>One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armour-like back, and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff sections. The bedding was hardly.</p>