Into The Black: The Things You Do For People
hi guys how was your week? mine was fine i just had a little trip into
ok that’s a bit much lol dramaaaaa
but yea here’s how i spent these past few days…
Day 1: I enter the black room, exit 4 seconds later, vomiting and head spinning. no idea why.
Day 2: I try again and this time i go in using an old shirt to cover my mouth and nose. there is the unmistakable aroma of something that has lost its corporeal existence and should no longer be above ground. i can feel the inside of my head spinning as the outside wants to drop. i can barely see my hand in there. i exit and decide to do this whole thing in parts, KESS
Day 4: ready once more and armed with essential oils and a flashlight, i find what appears to be a dead rat. hooray for me. i remove this poor victim, cursing the darkness that swallowed its spirit. the room is bigger than i first thought. there is so much stuff in here you guys omg lol theres boxes of junk and baskets of- also junk, there’s just a ton of junk in here and it all smells like paper, now that the dead carcass is here no longer its like… like i guess wood? does wood smell like paper? what do i look like, a woodologist? frick. i spend the rest of the minutes trying to clean the spot where the rat died.
Day 5: the beam of my flashlight flickers in broken bursts. taking the first thing i can i feel the room swallowing what little light i can carry with me. I note the different writing style on the boxes i manage to reach and take the closest one at random.
So yeah i managed to get the first one out and im praying those photos are in here KESS